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Early Bird Pricing Ends Feb. 1

The Ridiculously Powerful, Fully Automated Text & Email Marketing System That Grows Your School.
Fast. On Auto-Pilot.

More paid trials. More referrals. Higher retention. More appointments. More people who show up for appointments. And so much more.

We are currently in BETA TESTING and looking for above-and-beyond schools who will get exclusive early access at our beta tester rate.

Early Bird Pricing Ends Feb. 1

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Spark Ignite features hundreds of done-for-you text messages and emails crafted by the most successful martial arts copywriter of all time.

It uses Spark’s automation engine to send prospects, trials, and members the exact right messages… at exactly the right times… growing your school, fast.


The Revolutionary “One Goal System” for More Paid Trials & Members. Fast.

Hey, David Tendrich here — 

You might remember me from the KidsLoveMartialArts website and more.

When I wrote that website around 2010 (can you believe it’s been so long — and it still sells great to this day)… it sparked a revolution in the martial arts industry…

People started selling more paid trials per month than they had in entire years… 

The same applied to my website and email work in BJJ, Kickboxing, MMA, Adult Traditional, Krav Maga, and more.

In fact my product, the Email Machine, generated thousands of paid trials for hundreds of schools for 8 long years.

But I’m not done yet. In fact, I’m only getting started 😉

For years, I’ve dreamed of creating a truly automated text & email system… And now, with Spark’s powerful engine, it’s a reality.

Spark Ignite is a School-Growing Revolution. All because of the “One Goal System”...

The “One Goal System” is incredible at growing your school… And ridiculously simple. Here’s how it works:

If someone opts in to your website, but does NOT buy a trial… I have ONE GOAL: 

Get them to buy a trial.

If someone buys a trial, but does NOT schedule an intro… I have ONE GOAL: 

Get them to schedule an intro.

Makes sense, right? 

Now, imagine sending that person who didn’t schedule the perfect blend of texts and emails to get them to schedule. 

Then, once they scheduled, imagine sending them the perfect texts and emails to get them to actually show up.

For every phase of the journey to becoming a member, Ignite sends just the right messages at just the right times.

We get non-trials to buy trials… We get trials to schedule appointments… We get appointments to show up… We get show-ups to become members… Then we get members to refer, stay with you longer, and upgrade… And more.

Let’s look at some real-world examples
of Spark Ignite in action...

More Paid Trials.

If someone opts-in to your website, but does NOT purchase a trial… Ignite gets to work.

First — we automatically send an email with a 24-hour promo code AND a text message telling them to check their email for a special discount that same day.


{{InstructorName}} from {{StudioName}} here! Just saw your form come through our website! Thank you!! 

I just emailed you a special discount on our web special — did you get it? Let me know if you’d rather I send it to you via text. It expires tomorrow, hurry! See you soon!

After that, if they still don’t buy, we send emails and texts featuring your REAL testimonials, photos of classes in action, flash sales, and more, over the coming days and weeks.

The result: More paid trials, without lifting a finger.

More Appointments.

Now let’s say someone buys your web special… but doesn’t schedule an appointment.

Ignite sends messages designed to do one thing: Schedule!


THANK YOU for buying a trial. I just know you are going to love the life-changing benefits martial arts has for your child. 

I just need you to do one more thing before our schedule fills up: Schedule your intro now right here: {{ScheduleLink}}

See you soon! Can’t wait!

We remind them of the life-changing benefits of martial arts… use social proof (testimonials & reviews) to show them real-world results… and more.

The result: More scheduled appointments. Done-for-you.

More People Who Show Up.

Let’s say someone schedules an appointment… now we have to get them to actually show up!

Ignite sends powerful, timely reminders that create a sense of urgency and importance around the appointment.


I can’t wait to meet you. You are going to LOVE what we have in store for you tomorrow at {{AppointmentTime}}.

See you then! Can’t wait!

We get people EXCITED for their appointment so they can’t wait for it.

The result: More people who actually show.

Higher Retention. And Attendance.

Ignite makes your students feel super appreciated and cared for, increasing retention, referrals, and attendance.

Let’s say a student shows up to class 5 days in a row (awesome!). Ignite automatically sends them a text congratulating them on their achievement and thanking them for their dedication, like this:


I can’t wait to meet you. You are going to LOVE what we have in store for you tomorrow at {{AppointmentTime}}.

See you then! Can’t wait!

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The same applies to completing tests, upgrading their memberships, and more.

The best part: There are over 20 custom messages for every scenario — so students get a new, personal message every time. 

The result: Students feel appreciated and cared for — increasing attendance AND retention.

More Referrals.

Ignite asks members for referrals at key times and using messaging that’s been proven effective. You do nothing. Ignite does it all.

The result: More referrals, without even having to ask.

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More Upgrades.

At strategic times, Ignite reaches out to your best students, and gets the upgrade convo started. 

It does so in a way that makes students feel appreciated and recognized for their hard work. Because of their attendance and commitment, they’re being offered a select opportunity. 

The result: More upgrades, automatically.

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More Reviews.

More reviews gets you more paid trials. That’s why Ignite reaches out to members at key times, and with tested and proven messaging, to generate more reviews — on auto-pilot.As you generate more reviews, automatically, it gets easier and easier to sell trials online.

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Insane Bonus:
Done-for-You “Parents Night Out,” Seminar, & Event Landing Pages & Emails… (Coming Soon.)

Planning a PNO, event, or seminar? Ignite features done-for-you landing pages… Plus done-for-you email launch sequences… to sell it to your students.

Fill up your events & PNOs… without lifting a finger.

Early Bird Pricing Ends Feb. 1

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Evolves Over Time. (Coming Soon.)

We carefully watch open rates, click rates, purchase rates, and more — on EVERY single email and text message. Then we craft NEW emails and texts to try to out-perform them. 

We do this by sending 50% of people one message, and 50% of people another.

Whichever message wins, we keep… Then, we try to beat the winner. Rinse and repeat to create the most optimized sales system of your life.

In fact, the Ignite you see today may not be the same Ignite a year from now. It’s a living, breathing beast that grows and evolves over time — just like you.

Personalized With Your Real Testimonials & Photos.

No fake testimonials that make you cringe. No fake photos that look down right cheesy. Ignite shows people the real you. Here’s how:

As soon as you join, you’ll go through our set-up wizard.

In the wizard, you add photos of your students, classes in action, as well as your own real testimonials.

We then automatically add this content to emails and text messages to create a real, genuine experience for you and your students.

Done-for-You Means You Really Do Nothing -- And Still Win.

We’ve crafted every text message. We’ve crafted every email. We’ve built Spark’s powerful engine to automate sending. All you have to do is reap the rewards. Fair enough?

Pays for Itself With Your First New Student.

Ignite is priced to pay for itself, fast. In fact, the first student you get pays for the entire program. We’re confident it will pay for itself, many times over.

Powerful, Wisdom-Filled Content Positions You As a Total Expert.

One of the things schools loved most about Email Machine was the powerful educational content. In fact, all the time, schools got sincere emails full of gratitude. 

With Ignite, we’ve taken everything we’ve learned from 8 years of martial arts marketing, and created even more powerful content that sells, and inspires.

The past 2 years, I’ve taken a “sabbatical” from the martial arts industry…

… And spent that time with 7, 8, and 9-figure founders from all walks of life

I learned and grew from the best, like Eddie Machaalani, co-founder of BigCommerce, a $450m company…

Or Eric Carlson, a close friend who’s taken 13 companies from $0 to 7 and 8-figures in just 6 years…

Or another colleague (who prefers anonymity) who launched a 7-figure company at age 19, and since has grown a $100m cancer research data analytics company and more…

Ignite takes everything I’ve learned from online marketing for martial arts plus my mentorship with these legends.

Spark Ignite is one of our proudest creations. Now, it’s all yours.

We are currently in BETA TESTING and looking for above-and-beyond schools who will get exclusive early access. Sounds like you? Then let’s do this.

Only 200 top schools accepted

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