TLF – Lead Gen – Adult Karate
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Want to get 2-Weeks of
Adult Karate for just $15?

Everything included:

2-Weeks of Unlimited Classes

($79 Value)

Starter Training Uniform

($59 Value)

Fill out the form below to

get your 2-week pass today!

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TLF – Lead Gen – Adult Karate

For Adults

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Recreation &

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TLF – Lead Gen – Adult Karate
TLF – Lead Gen – Adult Karate


Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Maecenas sed diam.

Get my 2-WEEK pass today!

Hurry up! Only [11] Passes Remaining

"He's been in it a month now & I've noticed a huge change in his behavior & demeanor."

"Such an amazing place. My 4yr old loves it! So excited to be part of something so great!"

"Esther is now more happy than ever! She is paying more attention and is learning values like honesty and perseverance!"

"My 6 year old is doing a lot better with his focus and very attentive. My 9 year old absolutely loves it. It brings out the competitive spirit in him."

"I have even watched some of his shy friends break through their shells as they started brimming with self confidence!"

Fill out the form below to get your 2-week pass today!

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